On the Block

Crafting an Effortless Experience for Users to Find Their Perfect Home

Crafting an Effortless Experience for Users to Find Their Perfect Home

Crafting an Effortless Experience for Users to Find Their Perfect Home


Moving into an apartment can be a significant life event, usually associated with freedom, independence, and privacy. It’s an opportunity for personal growth and acquiring various life skills.

However, finding the right apartment can be challenging and stressful. The multitude of options and choices can overwhelm anyone. But what if there was a way to make this experience more streamlined and enjoyable?


UX/UI designer


14 weeks

Project type

Create a responsive web design


Thousands of people relocate every single day, entailing a fresh start. The process of searching for a place to move into can be overwhelming for many people with constant stressors like lack of communication, limited photos, and no transparency. Not only does this hinder the excitement of moving, but it also prevents users from finding their new home away from home.


Objectives & Goals

  • Determine what’s missing or can be improved from current rental search engines

  • Understand what renters find overwhelming or stressful while searching

  • Explore ways to provide additional resources and guidance for renters

  • Learn the step by step process that renters go through when searching

This capstone aims to create a new and improved apartment rental service that allows users to find their perfect home with ease. Its' main goal is to provide a friendly, stress free, and effortless process with resources and support.

Our Process





Competitive Analysis

Comparing 4 of the most commonly used rental platforms in the East Coast, I focused on identifying any gaps in the rental market to understand areas that needed improvement. All of these platforms were aimed towards different audiences but had common weaknesses such as a lack of updates and limited search features.

User Interviews

5 renters, varying in age, profession, and location were interviewed through video calls about their previous search processes. Participants were asked to describe the process they would go through if they had to find a new apartment within a month. The questions also addressed any search criteria, resources, or critiques to pinpoint what the main issues were. Their answers were organized and grouped into recurring themes.

5 renters, varying in age, profession, and location were interviewed through video calls about their previous search processes. Participants were asked to describe the process they would go through if they had to find a new apartment within a month.

The questions also addressed any search criteria, resources, or critiques to pinpoint what the main issues were. Their answers were organized and grouped into recurring themes.

Key Findings


Existing and current resources are insufficient and difficult

  1. Existing and current resources are insufficient and difficult

All participants use various rental websites which they found unhelpful and overwhelming. Some mentioned that UI was also confusing.


Participants share common pain points while searching.

  1. Participants share common pain points while searching.

Lack of transparency, communication, and updates makes it difficult for renters to browse properly.


Each participant has their own priorities and methods when finding an apartment

  1. Each participant has their own priorities and methods when finding an apartment

Depending on their choices, this dictates whether their search will be easier.


User Personas

This user persona represents a new renter, eager to move out and start her city life. Unfamiliar with renting an apartment, she hopes that the rental search engines will provide enough information and results to help her get started.

Unfortunately, she’s met with disappointment as she has difficulty navigating through the sites. She finds the lack of updates interrupting her search process and hopes to find a platform that provides more in depth filters.


By creating storyboards, my goal was to imagine the different ways that users could improve their apartment search process. I narrowed it down to an improved rental website or an organizational planner. The website addresses concerns of information and resources while the planner targets the hecticness of moving.

Although both are valuable, a rental website provides a broader range of properties and real time information which suits the user’s needs more.

Feature Set

  • Included already existing features from other popular rental websites

  • Profile/account creation

  • Map location

  • Search filters

  • Introduced neighborhood guides from interview feedback

  • Placed notifications in the “must have” category because lack of communication is one of the major pain points


Task Flows & User Flows

These task flows helped visualize the potential steps in the search process which include searching with filters and creating an account. I also focused on the new feature of writing an apartment review to make sure its intuitive and efficient.

These user flows aim to provide a seamless experience for users looking to rent an apartment. We can use these flows to ensure that we align the website’s features with the user’s goals and needs.



Following the standard layout of most apartment rental websites, I created several sketches for the home page, search page, and property listing page on both desktop and mobile. There was a lot of emphasis on the visual elements to provide users with the most descriptive depiction of the apartments.


I wanted to represent the website with a sense of neighborhood warmth and the excitement of moving to somewhere new. I finalized on the name “On the Block” to encompass everything that comes with the “block” that you live on, including community and activities.

I also utilized brown and green in my design, both exuding reliability, relaxation, and dependibility.

The logo was inspired by what the typical "block" in a neighborhood looks like. The skyline of the high rise buildings in a bustling city paints a picture of adventure and new beginnings. With On the Block, users can look forward to finding their perfect home to move into.

High Fidelity Wireframes


Usability Testing

After creating a prototype version, I shared my design with 5 participants through a moderated usability test on Discord. The participants include other Design Lab colleagues and personal friends.

Main tasks:

  1. Create an account and fill out the introductory questionnaire

  2. Search for an apartment using filters

  3. Book a tour for that apartment

Key Findings

  • 100% user satisfaction and 100% completion rate

  • Most confusion came from unclear phrasing, wording, or order

  • Hierarchy of content was misleading

  • Participants would like to see more choices and personalization

Prioritization Matrix

I sorted the feedback into four different categories to analyze what was effective, what was not, and where improvements or iterations were necessary. Majority of participants expressed satisfaction with usability and navigation while others wanted to see a more personalized experience.


  • Redid the sign up questions

  • Questionnaire can be skipped

  • Progress is tracked on the top right corner

  • Drop down menu for filters

  • Added a “sort by” filtering option

  • More amenities to choose from

  • Photo carousel for each listing

  • Added more content on the listing information page

  • Added method of preferred contact

  • Changed booking to calendar format


Final Design



Results & Impact:

  • Participants rated the website a 5 out of 5 on the Likert scale, stating that they found everything they needed seamlessly

  • With this step by step design process, I was able to create a service that has enhanced transparency, streamlined communication, and community building.

  • Overall, the impact of On the Block can improve the experience of apartment hunting and help renters find their perfect home.


  • "On the Block" was my first case study- my official initation to UX in practice. I was able to learn what happens behind the scenes of product design and honed numerous skills such as problem solving, attention to detail, research, and prototyping. This case study is a representation of my understanding of UX. It's resourceful, empathetic, and creative.

  • Became more familiar with Figma.

Thank you for reading!

Check out my other case studies here!

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